Baroque Purls

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How to block scalloped edges

The scalloped edges of my Beeswax Shawl are one of its most special features, formed by working increases or decreases at the ends of certain rows. I was determined to preserve these rippling edges during blocking, and I came up with the following method which worked very well. This method could be adapted for any shawl with a rippling edge, if you want a very even ripple and/or dislike using lots of pins.

You will need:

  • blocking pins,

  • foam mats or another surface you can stick pins into, and

  • a set of flexible blocking wires, or enough smooth cotton yarn to go right around the edges of your shawl (allowing for growth during blocking).

The Method:

Begin as you would usually when you wet-block a shawl. I soaked my shawl in lukewarm water with a small amount of wool-wash added, then after 20 minutes soaked it in plain lukewarm water to rinse. I squeezed out the water gently, and then did the 'towel dance': rolling it up in a not-too-fuzzy towel and walking along the towel-burrito to squeeze out more water. I then inserted my flexible blocking wires all the way around the shawl's edges. If using cotton yarn instead of wires, thread the yarn around the edges using a darning needle.

The next step is to lay your shawl out on your blocking surface, and pin it out into shape. Start off with straight edges for now.

Once you are satisfied that everything lines up well enough and the lace is looking good, you can pin out each scallop like so, with a pin at each outer and inner corner:

When you are happy with the edges, allow the shawl to dry completely before un-pinning it and removing the wires.

Find out more about my Beanstalk Shawl pattern, including Ravelry and Payhip purchase options.